Al Masson, art, Copenhagen, Galleri Maria Friis


“I am incapable of limiting myself to just one kind of art. I enjoy playing with the duality of concentrating on form, color, and composition and creating installations in which I “decorate” a space by arranging various objects and art pieces within it. But I also have an urge to draw as a way of telling stories—responding to a narrative instinct that enables me to express imaginary, funny ideas that burst from within through the joy of drawing. I am a storyteller. Why should I suppress this need to draw and tell stories, as they seem to come naturally? There should be no limits to art. By permitting myself to pursue multiple directions, I continue to explore who I am and the world around me while channeling something genuine at the core, so that all the parts relate to one another as an ensemble.”

– Al Masson


TÂCHE SUR PAPIER means “task on paper” in French. Al Masson’s solo show at Galleri Maria Friis shows a diverse fusion of collages, figurative watercolours and abstract works canvassed on paper and gracefully aged book pages. This eclectic mix of media creates a dynamic synergy, conveying a rich spectrum of queer experiences with sensibility and honesty. When entering the gallery room, you will encounter the walls sparsely painted in pink and adorned with an abundance of works installed symphonically in accordance to the dynamics of dance and the movement of the body. It is a journey through a life of complex queer emotions, traumas, and the allure of both admiration of beauty and the erotic. With a fondness for portraying people exposed in various constellations, his work effortlessly blurs the line between intimacy and explicit sexuality. Within this intimate setting, his works find their true resonance.



“I want to play dangerously and take a risk using some of my own life story.”

-Al Masson



TÂCHE SUR PAPIER invites us into a portrayal of various queer experiences, dreams and fantasies, revealing vulnerabilities, desires, as well as moments of oppression and connection. Al Masson and his body of work stand as a testimony to the struggles of queer individuals in a hostile masculine culture. His lived experience in overcoming hardships conveys a powerful message of the potential for transformation and the pursuit of freedom.


Al Masson was born in France and is living in Denmark, where he has acquired Danish citizenship. He received his education at the École des Beaux Arts in Brussels and The Art Students League in New York, complementing his artistic education with his training in ballet and theater. His background in performative arts continues to play an integral part in his artistic practice. Al Masson’s works are a part of the art collection of the National Gallery of Denmark (SMK) and has been acquired by the Danish Art Foundation (Statens Kunstfond), Københavns Kunstudvalg and Stadtgalerie Kiel (GE).

Al Masson, art, Copenhagen, Galleri Maria Friis
Al Masson, Untitled © Galleri Maria Friis
Al Masson, Untitled © Galleri Maria Friis

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